
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day!

Today is Leap Day, that day that only comes every four years during Leap Year.  I've seen various pictures around the web that show animals leaping or people leaping and it made me think of days gone by here on our little farm.  

Mike raised several calves by feeding them from a bottle and growing them to feeder weight and then, with a heavy heart, sold them to be fed out for beef.  It would always take him weeks or a month to build up his courage to take the calves off to the sale barn toward their new life because he had grown so attached to them, making them a part of his heart.

The calf shown above was one who had a wonderful 'personality' and we often laughed at him.  He LOVED to eat and when we would go to the barn and give a shout for the calves to come for their daily feeding of grain, this calf would come running, leaping, and bounding with all the exuberance of a child in a candy store.

That year, like this one, we had lots of rain and LOTS of mud.  So, these photos show the calf leaping through the mud to come into the barn for his grain.

I hope you embrace today with the same excitement and that it has the same satisfying opportunities that the grain feeding did for this calf.
Happy Leap Day!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Happy Birthday, Bridgette!

We love you and hope this will be your best year ever!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Presidents Day

Today is Presidents Day in America.  As a young girl, we often were given coloring pages or construction paper cut-out crafts as a way to show honor on this day.  Generally, they looked similar to the image below somehow.
We would learn more about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln because their birthdays kind of were the bookends for the federal holiday during the month of February and it worked out well for the school social studies lesson.

Today, I am sharing a quote from another president who was impactful on American history and implore everyone to please keep these words in your heart and in your actions.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Happy 4th Birthday, Easton!

We love you and hope this is a great year for you!