
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It is sometimes difficult to be nice

There are so many things I have learned from my children - those I gave birth to and the ones I teach each day.  Now it seems I'm also learning from my granddaughters, too! 

Lillie is going to preschool three days a week right now.  Her mother - the wretched witch - commented when she was filling out the application that she didn't really know what to put for the answer for one of the questions.  It was something about how Lillie behaves and plays with others when she is at home.  Bridgette was wondering if she should respond by saying that Lillie is bossy and pushes her sister around.  I, of course, was horrified by such a statement and told the-wretched-child-I'd-raised that she could just say that Lillie is strong willed and strives for leadership. 
See, here she is fully accessorized and showing off her studious ways.

At any rate, a couple of weeks ago, Lillie got into a bit of trouble at school and was forced to sit in time out.  She has a strong and moral heart, though.  She confessed fully as soon as Bridgette came to pick her up.  She also confessed her shortfall to me when we talked on the phone that afternoon and was duly remorseful, I might add.  So, now each day I talk to her via phone on the afternoon of a school day, she immediately lets me know that she was nice and did not have to sit in time out. 

The other day I was getting the school report and she informed me that she had a new friend who is "named Haley. (She's a girl.)"  I asked Lillie if she was nice to the new friend and she affirmed that she indeed was nice.  Then, I asked if she was being nice to the little boy.  Immediately she let me know that he always wanted to play with the same toy as her.  So, I talked to her just a bit about the importance of sharing and how nice it is to share.  To this she responded, "But, Grand B, I don't want to share."  Of course, I assured her that while we don't always like to share, it is something that we always should do and it is the nice thing to do.  Humbly she agreed with me, "Aw, okay."  Then, she remembered that there is another new girl.  So, of course, I asked her if she was being nice to the new girl.  Lillie's response was so upfront and priceless.  "Grand B, I don't like to be nice ALL the time!" 

Who does?

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