
Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Good Tired

Mike and I worked outside again today.  We planted some brussel sprouts, tomatoes, and head lettuce in our tubs at the barn today.  Mike checked on the onions and they are coming along well, too.  He pointed out to me that the leaf lettuce seeds I sowed a couple of weeks ago were pushing their little leaves up in those tubs, too.  I was a bit frustrated because the spinach didn't seem to be coming up yet.  However, when I gave them a drink of Miracle Grow-water, I saw a seedling or two peeking out - at least I think that was it and hope it wasn't a weed! 

We also worked on cleaning out the barn some.  I did some fence post and fencing organizing and straightening.  Mike worked on getting some trash and some pallets out.  We also worked to organize some rope pieces, took the dry-rotted lead ends off some chains and snaps.  I worked and worked (after Mike sharpened my tool) to whack away at an overgrown bush.  I trimmed it up to look more like a tree - sort of like a crepe myrtle.  There was some ugly, stumpy branches and Mike fired up the chain saw and tidied it up in a jiff.  Sort of made me feel insignificant and foolish that I had labored so hard with my whackers.  He also spent a little time cutting up some tree branches so we can haul that up to the sink-hole one afternoon. 

I am exhausted, achy, and totally worn to a frazzle.  I think Mike's nodding in his recliner tells me that he is as well.  It is a good feeling, though to have worked hard together on something.  We have a goal and a future goal in our mind's eye that we are working toward together.  What a fabulous thing to be able to share with somebody you hope to journey through old age alongside.

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