
Monday, June 6, 2011

Cooking for Two

I lived as a single woman for the ten years which were my forties.  At first I had a room mate.  We were both in college, my daughter, Bridgette, and me and we swapped off kitchen duties.  She prepared meals on the two nights I was in class and I prepared them on the other two.  She usually had a date on Friday and Saturday and it was every man for himself on Sundays.  So, I went from preparing meals for a family of four and straggling friends to cooking for two.  Bridgette and I were infamous for trying all sorts of new recipes and some of them were even good.  Then, I graduated with my MEd and Bridgette got married and we each started a new chapter in our lives. 

When I lived alone for all those years, I was not really much of a culinary artist.  It really isn't great fun to cook when nobody else is going to enjoy your efforts.  I found myself creating subsistence meals many nights.  I would teach all day, accompany the cheerleaders and ball players to a game, grade a few papers, and return home late most evenings.  The weekends found me grading papers, planning lessons, and occasionally entertaining friends.  So, my cooking with creativity was sporadic at best.

When I married Mike, I was lucky enough to acquire a man who knows his way around the kitchen.  I'm a pretty decent cook, but he is a really accomplished, old-time, southern cook.  He likes cooking, too.  I cannot decide what his specialty is because so many things he prepares are absolutely delicious.  (Yes, I've gained pounds and elevated blood pressure to go along with it during this past year!)  Tonight was one of those unusually delicious nights in our household.  Mike fried up the rewards of his Sunday morning fishing outing and I had whipped up a cheesecake while he was wetting his line. 

Let me just say that there was lots of groaning and moaning while we were eating that had absolutely nothing to do with being a newlywed.  It was beyond yummy!  I know that tomorrow I'm going to have to do my penance and exercise more, drink more water, and ingest only veggies and water tomorrow.  Boy was it worth it, though!

For my cheesecake recipe click here.

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