
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Today was Craft Day!

Earlier this week I went to Hobby Lobby and the office supply store and got the supplies I needed for some crafting.  I was inspired by my daughter who has been busy lately creating cute appliqued shirts and dish towels and such.  I gave her my old porch chair cushions and she covered those, too. 

Here is a look at her newly painted chairs and table and my old faded cushions with new fabric covers. 
I love the watercolor effect of this fabric!

Here is another shot of her porch rockers and the cushions.

She also  covered some for the back yard furniture.

Isn't this vibrant stripe fabulous?

All we need is a cold glass of lemonade to make this more yummy!

Isn't she creative?  She must have a wonderful mother!  I'll post some more of her pictures later.  (After she got the cushions covered, I'm thinking I would like to have them back!) 

I also was inspired by Suzanne over at Just Another Hangup.  She has a cute idea called Plaque Attack.  I was so inspired and convinced by her blog posting that I decided to give this a try myself.  I simply followed her tutorial and that made it one of the easiest crafts I have ever done!  I just loved it and am already looking forward to next month's edition, Suzanne!

I know the picture is a bit blurred, but sn't this just too cute?

I was so excited about doing both of them just like Suzanne's that I forgot I have my printer programmed to print the last page first so that multiple pages will come off in order.  So, I 'll have to go back to the craft store for more paper to get the other one just like Suzanne's.  Note to self:  Get several of the scrapbook papers in case you mess up or decide to make one for somebody else!  I'll give this next one as a gift.

Maybe my inspirational daughter will get this one!
(I'm still thinking I want those cushions back, though!)

While I was inspired, I also went a step beyond (trying to be the overachiever that my daughter is, I guess!) and made a gift for a couple who is getting married on Saturday.  This was one of the easiest crafts I have ever done and it turned out just wonderful!  I LOVE something quick, cute, and easy!

John and Linda's gift has inspired me to try to make other gifts.

One thing I learned on my own project is to use a solid black font when you are using a printed scrapbook paper as the background.  The fonts which are simply an outline don't show up as well. 

I forgot to turn the flash off on my camera so there is a bit of a glare, but I think the words turned out more clearly on this shot.

Wouldn't these be just adorable as a gift for a young child or even one going off to college?  You could center up the child's name and surround it with words which tell his/her favorite things.  You also could simply put an initial and add some of the unique things he/she says.  I think I'm going to make one to hang on the wall in my bathroom that says things like splish, splash, sparkle, scrub, etc.  Did I say that I just love these easy and cute crafts?

While I was waiting for paint and Mod Podge to dry, I cut out and stitched up some pillows.  I had originally bought this wee bit of fabric to see if it would go with my deck sofa cushions.  I thought I would cover the chair cushions and have a vibrant and cutesy back deck.  After a bit, Mike and I decided that the chairs didn't sit as comfortably with the cushions as without them.  So, that is why Bridgette got the cushions.  (I still think I might ask to get them back since they turned out so cute, though.)  Anyway, I decided that I would just use the fabric and make some pillows to put behind our backs in the chairs or for lying on the sofa and reading.  Didn't they turn out cute?

The fabrics look like they were made for one another, don't they?

I put a lime-green rick-rack edging on one of them and did a decorative stitch on the other one.  I have two more cut out and I'm trying to decide if I'll make them just like these two or if I will come up with some different edging.

At one point in the day I was searching for my tape measure.  I remembered that Lillie had been measuring something the last time she was here and I went across the hallway to see if it was with the toys over there.  Well, I didn't find the tape measure, but it looks like somebody was being a bit crafty themselves...

The photo is a bit dark.  Yes, that is chalk on the wall!

I didn't wash it off just yet because it was just too creative and cute.  But, I'm not sure it will get to stay forever.  Sorry Lydia!


  1. What an incredibly crafty day you had. Thank you so much for pointing me in the direction of your blog so I could see all your creations. I appreciate it so much! So glad it was easy to follow the directions and that your plaques turned out so cute! LOVE the idea of individualizing the plaques for wedding gifts, etc. In September Plaque Attack will start a new year and I will develop "theme" plaques (like the wedding one you made!). Thanks again, Suzanne

  2. I LOVE the idea of personalizing the plaques. You have truly made me a fan! I need to go back and get some of the monthly ones so that I will be ready for the seasons and holidays as this year progresses. Thanks, again, for such a fun and simple idea
