
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pillow Talk

I think a home must be just like the people who live inside it - ever evolving and reflecting the personalities within.  Or, maybe I'm just wishy-washy and never satisfied and always wanting change and more and more. 

Since I have moved into my sweet hub's home, I have really just been trying to claim it and personalize it and make it feel comfy.  The upstairs living area was pretty much a blank slate when I got here - well, not exactly blank, I guess.  There was the screams from the busy wallpaper and the cries for a new coat of paint from other walls begging for an update.  However, there was very little furniture and I could easily just walk in and start dabbing and rolling paint on the walls to transform the beautiful bones of the house into a fresh, updated, friendly space.  That all sounds pretty easy but it is an ever evolving process, to say the least.

Combining the belongings of two people is always a bit of a challenge.  Then, making everything seem to coordinate and mesh together in a planned manner makes things even a bit more of a challenge.  Add into the mix that I certainly didn't want this house to be like my last house because I realized that it was a reflection of only me - mostly feminine.  For example, the front door was periwinkle blue.  I had considered painting it a lovely pale pink rose color until my then-college-aged son informed me that if I ever had hopes of a man feeling comfortable coming into that house, I'd better not paint the door pink!  So, it became periwinkle blue and I loved it! 

Living here in what I still refer to as 'Mike's house,' I have been much more cognizant of color, florals, and frills.  I consistently consult him and that is usually a great thing because he has exceptional taste (after all, he did choose me, didn't he?!) and instincts.  I even tease him from time to time and refer to him as Martha Stewart.  Recently, my talented and wise mother came over and helped me to make a cushion for the window seat in the bay window.  (You can read a little about that HERE.) 

I knew even before the seat cushion was completed that I would want to add a couple of throw pillows for leaning.  So, on a recent trek to the fabric store I found a couple of pieces to use for contrasting pillows there.  (I know I was looking for fabric for another project, but this just seemed to jump out at me and tell me it needed to go home and live on the bay window seat!)  Both fabrics were only $2.99 per yard at Sir's Fabrics and the remnants I got had a couple or three yards in them.  So, I'll have extra fabric if I should need it for another project. 

I saw this unique pillow crafted by Suzanne over at Just Another Hangup.  She even gave a tutorial HERE for making it.  So, I decided to try this style for one of my linen fabric pieces. 

Originally, I had in mind that I would need a tan and cream zebra striped piece but this fabric had that touch of blue which coordinated so well with the blue in the seat cushion and I was quickly swept away by it.  I simply followed the clear and easy tutorial that Suzanne provided and my pillow turned out beautifully, I think.

Don't you just love the gathering along edges?

It turned out to be a wee bit larger than I had anticipated.  Yet, it is just the perfect size for leaning.  (I've tried it out this morning while I was drinking my coffee and finishing up one of the books I promised students I would read this summer.)

When I finished that project, I noticed that I had a pile of scraps left from the window treatments Mom helped me finish for the front bedroom.  (You can read a bit about that project HERE.)  Before I started, my scrap pile looked a little bit like this:

I also had a couple of larger scrappy pieces of the dobby-striped and a couple or three yards of the plaid.  So, I decided to put this to good use and draw the coordinating fabric from the window treatments into a pillow for the bed.  I knew that with all that pattern going on I would need something fairly simplistic.  I also knew that I wanted something unique and personalized.  So, this is what I came up with.

The entire pillow is made of scraps.  The plaid center is what was left after I made the bias ruffle for the curtains.  The border strips were long pieces from a larger scrap left from making curtains at my last house.  The monogram appliques are just little scraps that were left from the two projects.  So, the entire project was just something that was saved from the trash. 

I think it looks great with the other pillows I already have on that bed and really brings a customized and more personalized look to the space.

I guess you noticed the rose floral piece of fabric lying there alongside the striped piece.  That is probably going to be part of today's projects.  I hope it turns out as well and goes as simply as this one did!
My crafting room is calling!

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