
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I've been working on some projects here and have been collecting photos together and shopping at the dollar stores and local Goodwill for frames.  When I made a stop at the Goodwill on my weekly search for frames on Thursday afternoon, I noticed some bicycles out front.  Why I paused, I could not tell you but they were all priced between $4.99 and 9.99.  I came home that night and told Mike about them and asked if he thought it was a good idea to pick up a couple to keep here for the granddaughters to ride when they visit. 

So, on Friday afternoon after work I went back to get a couple of the treasures.  Well, of course, three or four of the ones I had spied were already gone.  However, there were a couple of cute little bicycles and a pink tricycle remaining.  So, I snapped them up! 

Please ignore the mysterious shadow at the bottom of this shot and the junk in the background. 
I was working on projects!

The bicycles with training wheels had already disappeared from the Goodwill.  So, I slid across the street to K-Mart and got some training wheels for $9.99 a pair.  (Yes, that was twice as much as the bicycles, I know)  I figure that a couple of $15 bicycles and a $5 tricycle is a pretty good bargain.  (I still have Bryan's tricycle here since he is living in an apartment and doesn't have room for it.  So, there will be one set of wheels for each girl if they are all here at once.)   Stephen was the favorite child because he stopped and helped me get the second set of training wheels put on and tightened up the nuts on the first set for me.  He wants the nieces to be safe, I guess. 

Now, I can't wait for the girls to come visiting and ride!

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