
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Luxurious Mornings

I love the mornings when I can loll around in bed and relax.  It seems like a perfect waste of the day sometimes but I have found that as I am growing older, it is a luxury that I treasure. 

I am fortunate to have a sunny, butter-yellow kitchen where mornings almost always feel cheerful.  It has big windows and a French door that makes the room feel almost like one is outside.  So, when I get the chance to sit there on a cool morning and watch the sun warm up the day, it is a special treat. 

Today I have been lucky enough to get to share breakfast with my sweet husband and to share some time with our eldest granddaughter as well.  Mike is a sausage, egg, and biscuit man and thinks that is how almost every morning should begin.  He truly believes in a good breakfast!  So, I got up early with him this morning and stumbled through preparing him this menu while he showered and dressed.  Then, we had time to sit and talk and get our day off to a shared start.  After he slipped out the door to work, I finished slurping down the coffee in my cup before I went back to nap for another hour or so until Lillie awoke.  Lillie also loves breakfast but her take on it is usually a little more varied than Mike's.  She goes for waffles, pancakes, biscuits, bacon, eggs, and muffins.  In fact, a breakfast menu is her favorite. 

Since she was here for her 'Days' visiting, we stirred up some chocolate chip muffins.  These became a traditional treat ever since she stayed with me while her mother was in the hospital giving birth to her sister, Lydia.  You can find the recipe we have developed HERE.

As we sat together starting our day, Lillie requested that we "do something fun today."  I thought that was a great idea and asked her what she had in mind.  Here was her response, "Well, I think we need to get clothes on and take some milk out to the barn for that little kitten and sit out there and play with her for a while."  Hmmm...  Isn't it something what little children think of as 'fun?'  I also know that "something fun" will look nothing like that to her in a few years!

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