
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Snacks Before Supper

Some days when I get home from work I feel like I am just starving - could eat the paint off the walls.  Is that a conditioned thing from when I got home from school and Mom gave us a little snack and sent us to the barn to do chores?  Is it some sort of emotional eating disorder thing?  Most days I can fight off that urge to snack late in the afternoon but sometimes I just cannot do it.

Yesterday I did that thing our mothers always tell us not to do.  I made myself a snack before supper.  I was also craving my comfort food - chocolate.  So, I made myself an individual serving of chocolate cake using the Five Minute Mug Chocolate Cake recipe that you can find HERE

The real beauty of this recipe is that it dirties almost no dishes.  It can be mixed in the mug you cook and eat from.  I did mix it in a mixing bowl yesterday so I had three items to wash up in order to cover my tracks before Mike came home expecting dinner. 

1.  The mixing bowl
2.  The measuring scoop
3.  The mug

I thought it might be a good time to share one of my favorite kitchen tools.  I learned about it HERE from Susan at Between Naps On The Porch

I liked the look of Susan's so well that I not only ordered one for myself, but also got one for my mother, my mother-in-law, and my four daughters!  It works just as well as shown in the promotional video about it HERE.  I ordered them HERE from Sierra Trading Post. 

One of the features which is not mentioned in the video is the magnet that is on the bottom of the scoop.  That is a handy feature if I wanted to keep it here on the fridge, I guess.

However, it wasn't so handy when it stuck to my sink and I had a hard time pulling it off.  (No, I didn't rush for the camera and reveal my dirty dishwater and all, I re-inacted it here.)
I'm sure I was a funny sight pulling it away from the side of the sink and dishwater sloshing everywhere! 

Note:  I am not being paid to advertise this product.  I just really like it and wanted to share!

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