
Thursday, June 14, 2012

One Man's Trash

I was at Bonnie's Barnyard three or four days ago buying cat food or bug spray or something and noticed that the flowers our friend Susan at Twiggy and Gus sent for the opening of their new store were starting to fade.  So, I began to pick up little fallen petals and such - habit, I guess.  Bonnie quickly told me she was going to give me the cute basket in which they were arranged and sent one of the guys to put it in my truck. 

Well, when I got home with it, I began to disassemble it and recognized that there were a few flowers in the large arrangement that had a bit of life and beauty left in them.  So, I picked those out and snipped off the ends and gathered them into a vase. 

The left-overs

Everything but the vase is salvaged from Bonnie's cast-offs.  The sweet little pink-glass vintage piece of jewelry is attached to the burlap ribbon which encircled the wooden basket.  I simply snipped it into two pieces and tied it to my vase. 

The colors of the flowers are some of my favorites - soft pinks, lavender, and white.  Their shapes are full and feminine. 

Lavender lilac or delphinium clusters

Tall, willowy spikes of pale pink and white delphinium

Full, ruffled petals of antique roses

You don't even need your glasses to appreciate such beauty!

I'll take a cast-off like these any old day!

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