
Monday, June 11, 2012

Porch Rockers

Is there anything more southern and relaxing than sitting in a porch rocker?  My parents have had rocking chairs on their back porch - well, forever.  I don't know anybody who hasn't enjoyed sitting there and contemplating the universe or slurping on a cold drink like sweet-iced-tea or a Pepsi.  That porch is also a great place to catch up on some conversation or read a book or just to sit and relax. 

So, when Stephen and Bonnie gave us porch rockers for Christmas this past year, we both were excited.  They are big and roomy; sturdy and hefty; comfy and relaxing. 
I think you could say we were tickled when we got them that evening.
Somebody else seemed to be grinning pretty big about them, too.

Not knowing what color we would want them, the children gave them to us with only a primer on them.  I pondered and browsed paint colors forever for eons for months.  Finally, after perusing several online magazines, a plethora of blogs, and some decorating books, I landed on a dark Charleston green color.  I wanted something that would coordinate with our black wrought iron and stand out against our house's white siding.  So, one day when I made a trip to Home Depot for some other necessary for some other project, I browsed the paint colors and brought home a fist-full of paint chips.  Then, on another trip to Home Depot for some other necessary for some other project, I asked the guy behind the paint counter to mix me a quart of paint.
Together, we decided that I needed to use a Behr Premium Plus Ultra that is a paint and primer in one.  Then, I handed him a Glidden paint chip called Deepest Woodland Green.  He took the chosen chip and took it to his magic machine and it dropped little spots of different color into the paint base.  Then, he shook it up in that gyrator thingy, handed me a can opener and a paint stick and I was on my way. 
Here is the top of the paint can with the 'recipe.'

I painted the first rocker back at the end of March when I was on spring break.  Then, during my first week of summer break, I painted the other one.  They are a beautiful matching pair now.  I think if I had it to do over, I would get my paint mixture to be just a wee tick closer to black.  They are just a bit greener than I had envisioned.  However, I'm done with them.  They look pretty.  They are more protected from the weather elements.  Mostly, I'm done with them.  I do like them. 

I had to do a little rearranging to get our back porch to have just the ambiance I wanted with these new rockers.  When I was filling my flower pots with flowers, I shuffled and shifted things around.  I'll post the end results later.  I think the paint color does pop out against the white siding and has just a tint of blue-ness to it that looks pretty with my blue-and-white pots.  It also looks good with the black porch furniture we already have.  (I need to give that little table between the rockers a quick spray coat of black paint, though.) 
What do you think?
Stop by some afternoon and I will be glad to put a cold drink in your hand and share some conversation or just sit and rock peacefully contemplating the world.  (I won't be so lofty as to tackle the entire universe from my back porch.  That needs to be done somewhere that there is more experience and wisdom.)

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