
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Meet Up

Tuesday brought a new adventure.  I was up and at 'em with Mike in the early morning so I could trek off to the northern end of our fair state and meet a new friend.  You see, I had been doing a little online exploring at those "making connections" or "match-me-up" sites.  I had found a possible match or two and decided I was ready for a face-to-face meeting. 

They always tell you to be safe when meeting one of those online match-ups - you know, to meet during the daytime, to take somebody along with you, and such.  So, Bridgette, my daughter, offered to come along.  Since she was coming, she brought along granddaughters, Lillie and Lydia.  I felt truly safe and well-supported.  I had set the mid-morning meet-up at a very public place.  By 8:40 A.M. the four of us were on the road and headed north.  (Of course, the other three girls had already been on the road for about an hour by then.) 

We eagerly trooped into the place of business I had designated for the meet-up and were immediately greeted by the distinctive fragrance known to this type of place.  I timidly approached the counter and identified myself.  Then, an employee escorted us down the hall and introduced us to a fellow they called Marshall.  He seemed excited to see us, greeted us warmly, and we were invited to join him for a stroll in the fresh air.

I think we quickly made a connection.  So, I had no hesitation introducing him to Lillie, who was the most eager to make an acquaintance (of all the supporting cast).  We discussed extending our relationship and talked about a few possibilities.  I got more background information.  We were introduced to a couple of his friends (which certainly gave us insight to what sort of fellow with which we were dealing).  You probably know how this sort of thing goes - hesitant and awkward a bit at first, followed by non-commital conversation, and finally sharing personal information. 

I offered up a bit of financial compensation.  Read and signed a life-altering, binding agreement.  Then, we all went on our merry way knowing that none of us would ever be the same again!

Here are some photographs that Bridgette captured to canonize the event.
Getting to Know You
Starting Toward Home
A Happy Face

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