
Sunday, November 25, 2012


Have you ever been to one of those places where you can visit with your friends, sip a glass of wine, and be guided through creating a painting?  Well, I've seen them advertised but never had been until this week.  My friend, Kathy, invited me to tag along with some of her friends and I did!

We each took snacks and something to sip.  The place is called Uptown Art Uncorked!  I soon found that the snacks and sipping would not be possible for me.  Every time we worked toward a break for snacks and sipping I was behind and needed that time to catch up! 

The experience was great fun.  We started with a little sketching onto our canvas.  Then, we began mixing paint and transformed it from plain white to a beautiful masterpiece.  The teacher walked us through step-by-step and modeled for us what we should do.  She was an exceptional guide and mentor. 

Interestingly, each person's painting turned out different but every one was really wonderful!  I am quite pleased with mine and I think Mike was really blown away with the depth of my artistic talent. 

It is highlighted with glitter that doesn't show up here!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Update on Mike's Project

Mike took on a project back in the summer.  You can read about that HERE.  Well, for several days I have been meaning to post an update to that project.  Here it is:
His first two eggs!

We have been enjoying eggs for about three weeks, now.  At first there were just a couple.  Then, four and finally there was a steady seven for several days.  Yesterday there were eight!  So, his girls are up to producing at 80%. 

They progressed to the point that I took a dozen deviled eggs to the family Thanksgiving feast today.  These eggs are delicious any way we prepare them!

Friday, November 23, 2012


I ran across a good idea back in the summer when I was wasting time searching for inspiration on Pinterest.  I found a tutorial for creating slipcovers for throw pillows.  I loved the simplicity of it and I gave it a try myself.  You can read about that project HERE

I knew that when the season changed I would want something that would seem warmer and more cozy.  So, when I was straightening in the basement a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across some fabric that I've had for years - I am not exagerating - Y-E-A-R-S! 

The original look of the throw pillows...
The same throw pillows with their new look...

The beauty of it is, the polished cotton print coordinates beautifully in our den and seems to tie together the merlot colored silk drapes and the camel color of the sofa.  The bonus is that there is a nice navy, a deep forest green, and a rich teal in the pattern as well. 

I love the rich colors and pattern!

That just goes to show you that when you find something you like, latch on to it and you will eventually have just the right place/project/idea for it!  I cannot tell you how many pieces of fabric I have tucked away that I picked up for a song just because I loved the pattern or the colors of them.  A treasure trove!  I have them tucked away just waiting for the perfect project!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

We Are Thankful

As are so many folks around the nation today, Mike and I are truly thankful for our many blessings.  This week we were fortunate to be able to have a few days together without a routine or time expectancy. 

We spent today with part of our family sharing fellowship and a delicious feast.  The other part of our family was in fellowship with their extended families as well.  We truly enjoyed the day.  We also were glad to return to the haven we call home and relax together.  We laughed and recollected and began to count our many blessings.  Here are our top five:

5.  The beautiful home which protects us from the elements, keeps us comfortable, and provides a haven of rest
4.  Jobs we enjoy and the opportunity to earn a living and pay for our needs (and even some luxuries)
3.  Friends with whom we share good times and laughter
2.  Family members to gather together and celebrate living
1.  One another with whom we share life

We hope you had a rich Thanksgiving Day!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Decorated Dish Towels and a shameless plug

This is a shameless plug for my daughter.  She is one crafty woman.  When the children are napping - and sometimes while they are awake, she is crafting.  She has taken my old porch chair cushions and turned them into cute works of art and made coordinating door name plaques when we have had a Craft Day.  Bridgette made cute fall decor and personalized it form me.  She extended that idea and added some more when we hosted a baby shower.  Lately, she has begun to applique cute shirts for her daughters and made me some really cute dish towels. 

Last year she gave me a cute fall themed one with a pumpkin.  She called it a reject but I thought it was really cute.

I especially liked her choice of fabrics.  (wish I had some napkins and placemats to coordinate...)

This year's addition was a turkey design.  He is friendly and I do have napkins to coordinate with this guy!

Bridgette recently got a new sewing machine with computerized embroidery feature and she has also been embellishing things like that.  (I'll share some embroidered projects in a later post!) 

I've really enjoyed my two fall dish towels and use them with abandon!  If are interested in having Bridgett custom-create something like this for you, contact her.  Her business is called Tops for Tots (because she also makes cute crocheted hats!). 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Golden Child

Glad you are part of our world!

We are proud of all you have worked hard to accomplish and all that you do.  Happy Birthday!
We love you!
Post update:  I had some questions asking about the title to this post.  That is our pet name for Bryan.  He is the youngest of our children.  Plus, he is the only male grandchild for my parents.  So, Mike and I tease him constantly about being the golden child!  He says it is a hard title to live up to!

Thursday, November 1, 2012