
Monday, January 21, 2013

Baking Bread

My daughter gave me a bread machine.  I have been wanting one for a long time.  I don't know where she got hers but she decided that she doesn't really like the results she gets when she uses it and gave it to me. 

I started out thinking I would follow the recipes and instructions in the book precisely.  That lasted...oh, about thirty seconds.  Then, I began adapting it to suit what I wanted!  Not that the recipes in it are bad or anything.  I'm sure they are quite alright for folks.  However, I wanted to use the Kefir that my sister gave me and guess what...there isn't a recipe like that in the book!

You can get the recipe and read about my bread-making adventure HERE.  I have a little tweaking to do but I think I'm going to like this new toy appliance.

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