
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Family Weekend

I am wrapping up my holiday break and will be going back to work/school on Monday.  So, this weekend we are spending it doing family events.

Yesterday, my mother-in-law and I went to watch our eldest granddaughter play her first basketball game.  I have never had better entertainment.  Have you ever watched Kindergarten girls play basketball?  You never really know how much there is to learn about something such as the sport basketball until you watch little folks learning all about it.  Those girls were so cute! 

The coach had worked on defense and they knew their "spots" and would run to them to set up for a zone defense.  Evidently they had each practiced at every "spot" because when Lillie first went out on the court, the coach shouted, "Other side, Lillie!" and she hopped right across the key and into the right spot.  Later, he shouted, "In the middle, Lillie!" and she zipped right into the middle and those hands went into the air.  Now, I'm not sure there was much real defending against a basket being scored, but all of them knew about their "spot!"  Mostly, the game was just watching the girls run back and forth from one goal to another, but in the end, Lillie exclaimed that it was, "Fun!  Fun!  Fun!"  Isn't that what sports and games are all about?

Tonight we will be celebrating my mother-in-law's birthday.  She will turn eighty tomorrow and our crew and Mike's brother, Jim, and his crew are putting together a dinner to honor her and fellowship together.  We already know that there will be at least twenty-two of us and we aren't sure that two of our children and their families will be coming.  So, there will be a crowd to usher in her new decade of life!  I'm to bring the birthday cake and I've stirred up a Chocolate Wet Cake.  You can find the recipe HERE.

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