
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Refreshing and Updating

What a wonderful day I've had today.  I was thrilled to have the opportunity to spend some time with a friend from my college days.  I don't mean those days when I was in my early forties and returned to school and I felt like I was trying to wrestle an alligator and get myself into a career where I could support myself, feel fulfilled, and share my passion for literature and writing...I mean those days long, long ago when I was barely more than a girl and thought I had the world by the horns and could lead it around to do my bidding.

My friend, Margaret, and I went through undergraduate school at the same time - often taking the same classes.  I got to know her brother, sister, and parents back then and learned that we had similar upbringings.    We moved on after college - married, had babies - she had three boys and I a girl and boy.  (Her eldest are about the same ages as my two.)  Later, we reconnected when her brother married and our children were members of his wedding party.  Still later, we stumbled upon one another here or there along the way.

Like one day when Mike and I were out doing some last minute shopping at Target and there were her and her husband.  The four of us just parked our buggies and chatted as if we were touching base after being apart for a couple of weeks and as if we were not each on a mission to get something done in a hurried fashion!

About a year ago, another dear friend of mine, Angela, began working at a different school.  She mentioned the name Margaret a couple of times in passing conversation.  Low and behold, her teaching friend, Margaret, turned out to be MY Margaret!  Isn't it a small world?

Now that you have all the background history that is vital to this trivial drawn-out informative post, I can continue...

Margaret shot me an email last week and invited me to get together with her.  One thing led to another and then today I trekked over to her house.  The premise intention was for us to work on some teacher-y things together.

First, we assembled the ingredients for our lunch...and chatted.

We supervised her family dogs' bathroom break and sipped some water, ourselves...and chatted.

We logged onto our computers...and chatted.

We did a wee bit of teacher-type work...and chatted.

We took a lunch break to enjoy the delicious chicken wraps for which we had concocted condiments and sauces...and chatted.

We enjoyed a leisurely meal...and chatted.

We did a few more teacher-type tasks...and chatted.

It was one of those times when one of us asked the other a question about a family member and that answer led to a story and that story led to a tale and that tale led to an update...

I'd like to think of the day as spent with us refreshing and updating our internal computers.  After about six hours, we had mastered about three teacher-y tasks and we were getting close to being caught up on some important family topics...

We plan to get together next week to do a little more teacher-type work...and maybe a wee, tiny, little bit of refreshing and updating!

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