
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Digging into History

I've been doing a little digging into history this past few days.  What with awaiting the birth of our first grandson, I have been searching for vintage treasures to share with the expectant parents.
The beautiful mom-to-be is smiling.

Recently, my daughter and nieces hosted a shower for the expectant parents.
The decoration was absolutely adorable.  The invitation featured a red wagon and the decor took off with that theme.
The girls used burlap as a table runner, used bandannas and red-checked napkins, and mason jars were for drinks.

They created gifts which featured an embroidered onesie with a red wagon sewn on the chest.

They also shared photographs of the expectant parents from their childhood.  Well, actually, I am the one who shared those.  I had to dig into the dust and spiders teeming in the corners of the basement and search for photos from Bryan's days as a wee bairn.  He was such a cute little bugger back then!

I also stumbled across a couple of sweet little outfits that he had worn...
 ...and a box of his toys.  So, with a fine toothbrush and some gentle soap, I cleaned up a red tractor that had been pushed many a mile and a manure spreader to hitch behind it.  (Sort of ironic that I found that particular toy, isn't it?  Was it fate?  A manure spreader for the guy who can talk a lot of bull...)  Anyway, I cleaned up the toys and let them air dry.  Then, plopped them with some raffia and tissue into a large basket.  (I had seen where Jessica had pinned an idea for having several baskets of diaper changing supplies stashed around the house.)
I added a couple of books - one for Bryan about heroes and also the very first book he ever read alone - Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman.

The first outfit I discovered was a sweet little teeny-tiny one that had been given to us by an old family friend, Bobbie Scarlett.  You may remember my mentioning her HERE.  It had a cow appliqued on it which wrapped around the side and has the tail of the cow on the back side.
The second outfit was one of the first that I ever stitched together for Bryan.  You can tell by the look on his face that he is really excited to get it for his own son, can't you?  Ironically, my mother included a photo of Bryan at Easter wearing just that outfit.  How about that?

One thing folks were asked to do is complete a list of wishes for baby.  Here you can see Jessica's dad, Phillip, working on his 'homework.'
Everything was super nice.  The nachos bar was delicious.  The company was spirited and chatty.  I think a fun time was had by all.
Here is the mom-to-be with the hostesses.  From left is Bridgette, Jessica is wearing stripes, then, Megan and Jessica.  What a bevy of beautiful young women!

It was interesting to dig into history and find some bygone treasures.  I also think they enjoyed digging into history just a little bit.

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