
Sunday, September 29, 2013

One of the l-o-n-g-e-s-t days ever!

Yesterday was a long one.

I know it had to have more than twenty-four hours in it.

The morning dragged on for a week... at least.

The afternoon was slothful... at best.

The evening went in s-l-o-wwww... mmmm-o-t-i-o-n.

We got a few text message updates...

And each had an exclamation point at the end!

Finally, finally, finally...




All seven pounds and twelve ounces of him...

Every twenty-one inches of him...

Each decibel singing at high volume to the angels.

And we rejoice!

From the tips of his crooked little toes...

To the top of his dark, peach-fuzzed little head...

We cherish every little bit of him...

Every amazing squeal...

And every intense stare...

Makes us feel awash with a love we never knew we could experience.

We are grateful, excited, thrilled, and awestruck with you little man!  The eons of time that yesterday took was worth every nanosecond.

Welcome to the world little Harris Fulton!

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