
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Practice Project

We had a snow day today.  So, after I went with Mike to the doctor, I came home and did a little painting.

I copied recalled an inspiration piece I had seen at a local gift shop.  When I was Christmas shopping, I saw these cute bamboo spoons that had painted handles.

I thought that would be a perfect piece to go along with what I had in mind for a gift for one of my friends.  I already had a cookbook and another kitchen gadget.  So, these cute spoons would finish out the gift nicely, I thought.

Well, those cute little spoons were priced as a set of three for $27.

Now, I love this friend.  I really think a lot of her.  I think she would like and enjoy those cute spoons.

However, my budget just didn't see way for that pricey addition to make it into the gift box.

So, when I was at the local Dollar General the other day, I saw these packages of plain-old wooden spoons.  They were priced at four for a dollar.  So, I snapped them up.  Then, I came home and did some taping.

Just for the record, this cheap blue painter's tape does not like to stick to the cheap inexpensive practically-priced, plain-old, wooden spoons.

I decided that this was a practice exercise anyway, and just decided to roll with it.

I tried to tape a pattern that would make three sets.  I think I got that done, but they all started to run together after a while.

I just used the paint I had on hand - some bottles of acrylic left from another project and some sample pots of Valspar that I got for free at Lowe's.
I put three coats of paint on each spoon.  Then, I stood them up in glasses and left them to dry

I removed the tape and found that they looked pretty cute for the most part.  There were a couple of places where the paint bled under the tape but nothing really glaringly ugly.  I think I probably better paint the handles of the spoons with some sort of clear coat to protect them.  I wonder if that would be some sort of cooking health hazard?

I'll let you know what I decide and show you a finished product soon!

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