
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Three Little Monkeys

The day after I went Day Tripping to spend some time with my favorite grandson, two of the granddaughters (their mother was chauffeur) went to visit and had a sleep-over with sweet little Harris.  I think a good time was had by all from the reports I got from both families.

Lillie and Lydia's mother must have been taught by a wonderful mother.  The first thing they had to do is go shopping for a gift to give the host.  So, they combined the gift shopping with a grocery run.  (Again, somebody must have taught their mother well!)  They found the perfect thing.
Cah-hun Candy!
 Doesn't the label say it all?  FUN sweets!  Of course, the little Cotton-Candy-Lover thought is was the perfect gift but big sister thought it was a good choice because "there is a chick on it."  Who knows why that made it have the seal of approval but I'm sure First-graders have high standards for approval.  The best part of the deal is that Lydia got a treat as well...
Doesn't the look on that cute little face say it all?

Off they trekked on a hard two-plus-hour-drive to visit their little cousin.  They arrived at nap-time and Harris's mom said he had the same amazed look when he awoke to find them at his house that he'd shared with us the day I popped in at nap-time.

I'm sure they did all the fun things they had on their agenda - plans were to teach him one bad trick like sputtering his tongue or something and to play, play, play with Harris.  Of course, against better judgement, Harris's parents did let him have a taste of his FUN sweet and... he liked it!

Lydia, thinking she is such a big girl in comparison had to hold Harris.  As you can see, maybe she isn't quite as big as she first believed she is...
Isn't that a lap full?

They had a day outing to the park and I understand that everybody enjoyed the warm, sunny Friday to the fullest.

There was time for a photo op that they shared with Grand B.  I just love the pose that the girls made to compensate for Harris's shorter-than-them stature.
Isn't it cute that they scootched down to be as short as him?

I just love these three little monkeys and I'm glad they have chances to get together even though geography is a bit of an issue at times.
Good Times!

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