
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring Planting

Mike has been bitten by the spring planting bug!  Last week he asked me to bring home some veggies from the farm store.  So, home I came with lettuce, spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.  He had already been busy with some onion sets.
Don't they look springy and delish?

Then, last week he transplanted some of the other plants which seem to be taking off and thriving.
Lettuce and Spinach salad starts

Yesterday I painted the iron frame which holds the third basin and set of tubs.  Then, today, he planted the remaining lettuce and some broccoli.
Hope they perk up as much as the ones from last week!

We also moved a third iron frame to set in front of the barn and I painted the legs of it.  Then, Mike set the basin in the frame, put a layer of landscape cloth in the bottom and we filled it with more grey tubs.  Next, he filled the tubs with potting soil.  Then, we trekked off to Bonnie's Barnyard and picked up a few more veggies to fill that tub.
I did a poor job picking the cabbage.

Out of nine little plants, only six were alive and one of them had pitiful little roots and may not live.  We didn't even notice till we got home with the little pack that I had picked a poor specimen.  Maybe the owners will give us a discount.  We do have connections...

The bell peppers and the Brussels sprouts look good, though, don't they?
Mike had picked up some tomato plants, so those went in the round tubs at the end of the iron rack.

We had a couple of extra bell pepper plants and an extra tomato.  So, we repotted them into larger pots and will nurse them along till the garden dries out enough to transplant them there.
Our newest transplant area

While Mike did some reorganizing and picking up in the barn, I moved the three stepping stones out in front of the iron rack.  I think it looks rather friendly and I cannot wait to have produce right there at eye level!
Anticipated Yumminess!

The marigolds were salvaged from the trash.  Bonnie said they had been nipped by a recent freeze and the vendor was going to trash them.  So, she brought them home and kept them watered.  She decided that she had too much baby to plant them all.  So, we became the lucky recipients!  They will go in the garden if it ever dries out enough to till it up.

Of course, we are expecting rainy weather for the next couple of days...

I just love the promise spring brings, don't you?

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