
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Guest Quarters

Doesn't that title sound elegant?

Doesn't it sound ritzy?

Who wouldn't want to be worldly enough to have Guest Quarters?

(Well, yes, there have been times in the past when we were sorry we had them but mostly we have enjoyed having the extra space)

I have been working to reclaim our Guest Quarters.  (Actually, it is just the basement but it is a really nice basement.  Can you tell I think I'm lucky to live here?)

We had the carpet cleaned and I have been working to clean everything else.  (Not an easy job - and I am feeling far more decrepit than my actual 54 years.)

Since my budget won't allow for professional painters right now, I am simply wiping down the walls with a good cleaner and living with the marks and dings on the wall as if it were simply character winking back at me.

We started with the floors.  The carpets were cleaned and the tile was mopped...and mopped again...and will be mopped again later today.  Then, the upholstery was cleaned on the sofa and oversized chair in the den.  We did a little furniture shuffling with my daughter because anticipated little Luci needed some storage pieces.

Then, my friend Angela came over and spent the day as my slave manual-labor house-stager favorite child.  She helped me dig the bed out of the storage area under the front porch.  The headboard, the footboard, and the mattress and box springs.  Whew!  We dug a dresser, mirror, bedside tables, and chair out and drug scooted carefully moved a bookcase into the blue bedroom as well.  Then, Angela dug around and found some dust-collectors set-abouts decorative items and books to make the room look welcoming and homey.  I'll do a full reveal on it in the coming days as it is falling into shape and looking more like Guest Quarters.

Next, she and my son, Bryan, moved a table into the green room and we began setting it up as the creativity room.  I have my sewing machine and serger on the table, some tubs of fabrics on a bookcase, paints and tools on another small bookcase, and scavenged a table and a couple more chairs for a crafting area.  Angela has promised me a cast-off desk of hers to use as a gift-wrapping station and that room will be practical and useful.  I've spent some time scrounging around Goodwill and Hobby Lobby and painting frames again to get some artwork hung on the walls.  I'll do a full reveal on it later, too.

Mike and I replaced burned out light bulbs yesterday.  So, that put a whole new light on the subject in the kitchen.  It still needs some attention but the fridges are clean and the sink and counters are as well.  Soon it will truly be Guest Quarters and not just the basement!  I haven't had much time to be blogging lately because we have had lots of projects going on...I am looking forward to sharing the progress in a few days!

Then, we hope to have some guests who will enjoy our Guest Quarters!

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