
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Support sometimes rises unbidden and barely recognized

This has been a week when I've really needed the support of my mother.

Some days this week I just needed to fall back on the teachings she gave me all along the years.

Little things.  Things like...

Make your bed and your bedroom is already about half cleaned.

Wash dishes while you are preparing the meal and clean-up after you eat is a whole lot easier.

Wipe that up as soon as you spill it and you won't have a sticky spot later.

A good book is always a good friend.

Hard work seems easier when you sprinkle it with a little laughter.

Don't hide your excitement but do hide your disappointment.

Help others even when they don't deserve your help.

Don't be afraid to be a kid no matter how old you happen to be.

Share your talents, your blessings, your compassion, and your patience - everybody needs a little more of that.

Don't go out the door without clean clothes, a clean face, and a positive attitude.

There are multitudes more of these that I carry with me daily and they arise to my consciousness unbidden and barely recognized.

I also needed the support of my Mama this week when I had some work done on the house and really needed to be at work.  My sweet, retired little Mama came over and served as my house-sitter to let the workman in and keep me informed of the progress - even when things got a little sticky.  I'm grateful for her calmness, patience, and presence in such situations.

We are making some changes here around the house and I have fallen back on Mama's housekeeping and homemaking advice.

When you find an item you love, ask yourself will it work in more than one room.

Select something classic and it never goes out of style.

Quality lasts a lot longer than trendy.

Put things away when you have finished using them and you will always know where they are when you need them again.

Nice things don't have to be fancy or expensive.

Choose things in colors that could be moved from one room to another and you will enjoy those things a whole lot more no matter where they are at the time.

Buy the best you can afford and treat it like it is the very best ever made.

Everything needs some cleaning and freshening up at times.

There are multitudes more of these that I carry with me daily and they arise to my consciousness unbidden and barely recognized.

I've called Mama more than once lately seeking advice about furniture, painting, fabric, recipes, flowers, cooking, and more.  Always that wisdom has been given with patience, thoughtfulness, and savvy that can only come with age, experience, practice, and confidence.

Maybe I've sought the support of my Mama this week because I have been stressed and tired from the hustle and bustle of home, work, and life.  Maybe I've sought the support of my Mama this week because the tasks at hand seemed like something that was more in her expertise than in my own.  Maybe I've sought the support of my Mama this week because it is spring of the year - her favorite season.  Maybe I've sought the support of my Mama this week because I am weary and a little bit babyish.  Maybe I've subconsciously sought the support of my Mama this week because today is Mother's Day.  Maybe I've sought the support of my Mama this week because we always need the support of our mothers.

I don't think that ever goes away.  From birth onward we probably tend to need that support from our Mama.  Today, for the first time my Mama will be celebrating Mother's Day without her own Mama's presence in this world.  So, I'm going to log off this computer and go over to see if I can support her.

Hope your Mother's Day is full of memories, love, and support from those who do it best!

Some links to past Mother's Day posts are:
Mother's Day Leftovers

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