
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Commemorative and Educational

When Mama gave me a load of treasures this past weekend, we shared memories, laughs, questions, and tears looking over all the things we were stashing that had been passed on by my Granny.  (You can read more about her HERE, HERE, HERE, or HERE.)  One of the things Granny passed along was a sense of history.

She reveled in knowing and learning more about United States history, area history, and close local history.  She could tell lots of stories about our country and our locale and usually had some sort of connection to most any of it.  And she could tell a tale...

I recently learned that a few days before she died her air conditioner went on the fritz and she called a repairman to come give it a look.  He reported that she needed some major work or perhaps even a replacement unit.  Then, a few days later during the visitation prior to her funeral, that repairman popped in at the funeral home.  He explained that his name is Andy and he had recently met Granny and was so impressed with all the history she could tell about this area.  Yes, Granny could talk history...

Well, it seems she is still talking history and teaching me a bit more about U.S. history...

In one of the boxes of stuff that was passed along to me was this pewter commemorative tray

As we were unpacking, Mama and I discussed that we didn't really know the significance of that tray or even the Gaspee.  I mentioned that I vaguely remembered something about a ship being burned during the American Revolution and we moved on to another item.

Later, I looked a little closer and read on the back of the pewter tray that it is:
  • Gorham Pewter
  • Limited in Edition
  • First of a series
  • Commemorating one of the First Clashes of the American Revolution
So, today, just as my Granny would have done, I did a little research.  According to Wikipedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, and, the Gaspee certainly was a statement in American history.  With the previous links you can read for yourself how Gaspee Point, RI came to get its name.  

I'm sure my Granny appreciated the connection of the little state of Rhode Island and would point out that it is where my Aunt Mary went to live as a newlywed and even gave birth to her first child in a naval hospital there.  I'm sure my Granny's eyes would twinkle at the thought that one of her grandchildren's curiosity was piqued today to learn a bit more as a result of her.

The tray is scratched and bent and warped.  I cannot help but wonder if it isn't another of the bargains Granny acquired as a result of a garage sale - one of her favorite pursuits.  I also wonder if down the road when somebody is cleaning out the accumulated stuff I have stashed hither and yon and stacked one atop the other will they dig a little deeper to learn about The 1772 Burning of the Caspee.

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