
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Encouraging Geniousness

About a year ago we were awaiting the birth of my favorite grandson - Harris.

I trekked to our son and daughter-in-law's house and stitched up a bed-skirt and some curtains.

I cooked a little dinner while Bryan added some touches to the nursery decor.

(We were encouraging Jessica to rest and relax to lower her blood pressure and make her be healthier.)

After dinner we checked out Dad's decorating.

There was artwork, shelves, bookcases, dresser and changing station.  It was all sweet and ready for Harris.  (You can see more photos HERE.)

Then, Jessica and I noticed something...

Can you pick it out?

Do you notice it?
Look a little closer...
OK.  I'll help you out a bit...

YES!  All the 'vintage' toys (the ones which were Bryan's as a child) are on the upper shelves and all the books are on the lower shelves.

Jessica and I teased Bryan that he was protecting his favorite toys so that even his own child wouldn't be able to play with them until he was much, much older!

Yesterday I decided something a bit different.

I got a sweet message from Jessica that said:

This is the look of "Oh no, you caught me!"
Isn't that drooly little face the sweetest thing?

Then, Jessica sent me this message:

This is the look of, "OK Mama is laughing so I'm good."
Look at that brilliant little fellow...

Learning to read books already...

Bryan probably knew what he was doing when he set this nursery up after all...
He was encouraging geniousness!

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