
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Lost and Found

When Luci was born, the older siblings came and stayed here with Mike and me for a few days.  It was convenient for the crew because I could easily run them over to visit with Mom, Dad, and little Luci every day.  Plus, we got to squeeze in a few last fun summer times. making goofy faces at the pool!

When Mom and Luci went home, we all trouped there to join the family - the siblings to begin settling in and getting ready for back-to-school and me to help Mom out a bit.

I came home after a couple of days but returned to help out when the first day of school rolled around.  During that interim when they were at their house and I was here at mine, I got a call from Bridgette with a message from Lydia...

"Tell Grand B to look in that room where we slept and see if she can find a black and white spotted fuzzy horse with a horse-shoe on its butt."

I searched and searched...under the drawers of the dresser...under the bed...mixed into the toys in the toy box...everywhere I could think of looking.  I even searched some in the den...under the couch...behind the pillows...between the cushions...under the coffee table.  No horse to be found.

Then, this past Friday when I went downstairs to do a bit of cleaning and rearranging, guess what I found!
right there on the hearth in the basement den...

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