
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Need suggestions...

I recently got something I have always thought of as absolutely beautiful.  

I mean ever since I first sat at my Granny's knee and watched her as she cross-stitched the design onto the fabric.

I was lucky enough to help her spread it out onto the floor on top of the plain, white fabric backing that sandwiched the fluffy white batting inside.

We worked ever so carefully to make sure both the top of the fabric sandwich and the bottom of the fabric sandwich were straight.  

Then, ever so carefully (and with really clean feet) I was charged with stepping toward the middle as we pinned the layers together and rolled it tightly onto the pole which became the side of the quilting frame.

Each step was magical and make it more beautiful.

I stood beside her at times while she spent hours making the tiny little stitches which formed another layer of design and permanently held the layers together.

All the while, I thought of it as more and more beautiful.

Then, when I watched her take it off the sawhorse quilt rack and billow it across the bed in the front bedroom of her house, the look on her face made it look like spun gold and silk instead of a simple cotton quilt.

So, when I was told that part of my inheritance was that beautiful hand-stitched quilt, tears stung my eyes.

Now, I have that beautiful quilt here in our house and I'm trying to decorate the bedroom to showcase it.

I'm not really sure how I want to incorporate companion fabrics, yet.  I'm not certain of the look I really want.  Should I use a floral print which incorporates the two colors?
I like this one's name: Florabunda Sea Glass

I think the idea of building the room around the color of sea glass is restful, beautiful...

Then, I wonder if I should use something with a lighter background than the natural linen color of the fabric above.  Something like this...

I am more of a blue lover, so I thought about this one...

I also thought about using something that is rather historical.  Something with the name of a creek near my home and place my Granny really liked...
also see the close-up below...

Should I go with something that extends the look of embroidery and needlework and is just leaves and has a lighter blue background...

Then, I wonder, should I use a small-scale print...

Maybe I should look at the shapes and forms of the stitchery in the quilt and go with a fabric that has similar shapes and forms...

I've always loved bedrooms with plaid drapes and a plaid bedskirt.  So, maybe plaid is the way to go...

Maybe a windowpane plaid would be better...

Maybe I should do something more modern and geometric and light and bright...

I'd love to bring out the turquoise blue as the featured color.  I also love paisley.  So, maybe this is the route to go...

Maybe I should just go with something sedate and simple and let the quilt herself shine...

Tell me, what do you think would look best in this bedroom to showcase my Granny's beautiful work?

Should I mix and match a couple or three fabrics?  

Should I pick one for the bed skirt and shams and something else for the drapes?  

Should I accent with one fabric?  

I also have a chair that will need upholstery in this room.  

Does the chair need to be contrasting or does it need to be of a compatible fabric or does it need to be the same fabric as the skirt, shams, and drapes?

I really need some suggestions!

(I found all these fabric swatches through the Online Fabric Store and am using them only as inspiration.  I am not sold on any one of them and am not compensated in any way for featuring their selections.)

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