
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Favorite Children

Sometimes we have a running family joke about who is The Favorite Child.  

I will just tease whoever just did something thoughtful and wonderful for us that he/she is The Favorite Child.

You know, like when Stephen came by and helped me unload the sectional and put it in the basement...he was The Favorite Child.

Or when Bridgette came up and helped me set up for a shower...she was The Favorite Child.

Then, there was the time that Jessica came over and helped me clean up and get ready for a gathering...she was The Favorite Child.

Each of them has been The Favorite Child at some point.

Like, when Bryan helped me to move some furniture from the basement upstairs...he was The Favorite Child.

Or when Bonnie came early and hid and slid things like the vacuum cleaner before a crowd surprised me here on my birthday...she was The Favorite Child.

The day Laura brought some cookies for a baby shower...she was The Favorite Child.

Corey came and trimmed the shrubbery one day and...he was the Favorite Child.

Get the picture?  I will usually thank whomever profusely and gush that he/she is The Favorite Child.

Now, don't think there is any REAL special honor in being The Favorite Child.  

I mean, it doesn't come with wealth and riches, or some special certification or...anything, really.

It just means there is a little shinier, more polished sheen on the halo at the moment in time.

Recently, I was the proud recipient of a couple of fabulous prints that were part of my grandmother's estate.  They are sweet, timeless, classics.  The colors are perfect for any room in our house.  I really feel lucky to have them!

I was gushing over my good fortune with one of the girls at work and showed Sara a photo on my cell phone of the fabulous prints.  Immediately, she became animated and let me know that her mother had those same prints.  She asked me to text her the photo so she could show her mother.  A few minutes later, Sara reported that her mother had responded with this..."Gretchen and Gary!"

We laughed about it and discussed that Sara had no idea if that meant they were famous or if that meant they were common or what exactly that meant.  So, I did what we always do to learn more...Googled it!

We learned that my canvas prints were popular vintage prints of a couple of James Ingwersen paintings.  Ingwersen was a portrait artist who painted the little girl eating cookies and the little boy reading.  

I don't know much more about these prints which were originally portraits of children, but I have decided to adopt them.  

After all, they looked great with the red poppy quilt and decor that I had in the front bedroom...

They still look wonderful with the cross-stitched quilt my Granny made...

They fit well with the other artwork in the room - mostly photos of Mike and my four children.  So, we have decided to keep them in that room where we can admire them frequently as we stroll through the house.  

With all their flexibility and charm, they have quickly become The Favorite Children.  After all, they cost us nothing.  They never cause us any anxiety or grief or concern.  Those two children just peacefully sit and nibble their cookies and read their books and make us smile.  


...and low maintenance...

I think they have the revered title sewed up!

What more could you possibly ask for out of The Favorite Children?

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