
Monday, October 6, 2014

Simple Things

Isn't it really the simple things that turn out to be the best?

This weekend, Mike and I had the opportunity to be home alone, together, without a particular agenda.

Oh, he ran a couple of errands and made a bacon and sausage delivery.  I zipped over to a fabric store in hopes of finding the perfect companion for my Granny's quilt.

Those were not a part of a formal agenda.  We could have stayed home and told the world where we were and if necessary, it could come to us.

We watched a little television.  We napped.  We ate delicious take-out and home-cooked foods.  We talked.  We just relaxed and enjoyed one another's company or spent time alone while the other was doing.

Truly, it was simple and wonderful!

It was rejuvenating.

I hope you have a simple week...or can handle the bluster of your life simply.

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