
Saturday, November 29, 2014


I think the greatest rewards of parenting are the grandchildren we get to enjoy!  I have been remiss lately of posting updates and photos of our youngest grandchildren because I have been so busy with my work that I don't want to spend time at a computer when the school bell rings.  Here are a couple of my favorite photos that have been shared of the two little ones lately...

Ladies first, of course:
Little Miss Luci is really a laid-back and happy girl.  She is so patient with her sisters who love her so much that they seem to want to worry her all the time.  I observed her last Saturday as she watched them with rapt attention and grinned like this photo shows and never fussed when they were poking at her or all up in her face.  They will talk to her and mess with her even when she is snoozing and she doesn't seem to be bothered by it.  I guess she knows just how loved she is and absorbs it all.

Now for our little gentleman:
Little Mr. Levi is such a happy and curious little fellow.  This 'tummy-time' shot is one of my favorite and makes me want to get in the floor and have a chat with him or grab him up and squeeze all that sweetness oozing out of him.  I'm sure he is running the store for his mother and father by now and that business is booming because of it!

It is really amazing to me to see the two of them and how they are growing and developing.  Being about a week apart in age, we can see the similar progressions of development and notice the differences... such as foot size!  

We truly are bountifully blessed and Mike and I are ever grateful that our children share these special moments with us via digital photos when we cannot be squeezing them and spoiling them as much as we would like!  (I'm looking forward to a little GrandB time with all of the grands this weekend.)

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