
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Packing Away

For me, part of the fun of having company and celebrating is the time spent cleaning and putting things away.

Don't get me wrong, it is always nice to have help when we are doing the dishes or packing away the Christmas decorations.

It is also wonderful to just take time and reflect.

As I packed away the Christmas trees and ornaments and garland and lights today, I thought of all the memories these items held for me and my family.

I know that Christmas brings stress and hustle and bustle and work.  Christmas also brings love and a strengthening of the love we already share.

I so enjoyed reading a recent post called Love, Work, and Christmas at Clover Lane.  She so artfully expresses what a mother feels about Christmas.

I, too, am tired.

Yet, I also recognize that work is love made visible.

I am thankful that I have the opportunity to be this kind of tired.  The love we shared this Christmas is a promise that God's love will continue and be perpetuated by the next generations.

I hope you are tired and I hope you look forward to the next year's work like I do.

I look forward to being tired all over again.

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