
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Let me just say that and nothing more

Yesterday was not a pretty one.

Let me just say that and nothing more.

Well, let me just add this part...

At the end of my school I was walking to my truck...I happened to glance down at the ground and saw - not one, but two - yes, two pennies lying there.

"Find a penny.  Pick it up.  All day long you will have good luck." That phrase sing-songed  in my head till I stopped and picked them up.

So, the day wasn't totally awful.

Today is looking better.

I got to sleep late.  Well, sort of...

I woke up at 3:40 A.M. and my old body was aching and my head was stuffy.  So, I took a couple of pain-reliever tablets and an antihistamine, grabbed a quilt and went to prop myself up on the couch to try to sniffle and go back to sleep without waking Mike.

However, good old Toby had other ideas.  He knew I didn't get back in bed.  How?  Your guess is as good as mine.  Maybe he didn't hear me snoring breathing right there in the bed near his crate.  Who knows?

Just as I was about to doze off...Toby started whining and yipping and begging to be let out of his crate.

So, I went back in there to him and pointed my finger at him and told him in a firm and authoritative manner to hush.  (Translation: Me standing in front of his crate, wearing one of Mike's t-shirts with my hair sticking out in all directions like Medusa, growling at him to shut up or I would make him be really sorry that he woke up Mike...and there may have been an expletive...or two.)

That worked.

Until I got snuggled back under the quilt and situated in a propped up manner on my pillows and just about dozed off again.

Then, I had to stomp back in there and repeat my reprimand and add in a kick to Toby's crate and closed the closet, the bathroom, and the bedroom doors.

I doubt that worked either, but I didn't hear him anymore until 9:00 A.M. this morning!

Mike was already just about finished with his morning feeding chores.  So, I offered to make sausage, biscuits, and gravy for breakfast.

I puttered round and was ready for the milk to make the gravy.  So, I went out on the porch to get the milk and juice off the table and waved at Mike as he came out of the barn.  As I stirred up the gravy, I noticed that the milk had a few ice crystals in it when I was finishing up that gourmet meal.  So, Mike and I conversed about the chill of the morning and I set the gravy on the table just as he had removed his barn boots, washed his hands, and was sitting down to eat.

What a team we are!  Synergy!

Wait, you say...What?

Yes, the milk and juice and all of the cold foods were stored on the back porch last night - most in coolers but the milk and juice jugs just sat out on the table.  Oh, did I forget to mention that our refrigerator stopped working night-before-last?

Yes.  Yes it did.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

On to Greener Pastures...

Well, a couple of weeks ago the day came for Blacky, Spot, and Patches to find a new home.

Blacky had really kind of become a nuisance in some ways.  He didn't really realize his full size and strength and he would try to rub his head up against you to show his affection.  When a 430 pound steer does that, a normal-sized person is likely to wind up mashed against the barn wall or something. Even though it was tough on the tender-hearted farmer, he realized it was time.

So, the day came when Mike could finally say goodbye.

The three largest calves he has here on the farm were loaded onto the trailer and taken to the nearest livestock auction barn on Monday morning a couple of weeks ago.

We made guess-timates of what they weighed and how much per pound they might bring.

We are not really that good at guessing.  Mike and I thought they would weigh 500 pounds or better and Blacky was the heaviest guy at 430 pounds with Patches being the lightweight at 355 pounds.

I gave Mike a call at about lunchtime to see how the departure went.  He reported that they were no trouble to load, haul, or unload.  He also reported, "Old Blacky started down the lane of the livestock barn and then turned around to look at me."

I wonder who thought it was hardest to let go... on to greener pastures...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Snow Day!

It snowed!

SOMEBODY got bundled up...

and went out to play in the snow...
and made a snowman.

Isn't he cute?

The snowman looks pretty good, too!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Little Girl/Big Girls

What does the littlest girl do?
...while the older girls run...

...and giggle...

...and ride scooters...

...and squeal...

...and generally act silly..

Well, you could do some coo-ing...

...and checking out the surroundings...

...and blow a few bubbles...

...or just snuggle in and doze off for a nap!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Flying Fun

My parents gave Lillie and Lydia some Flying Turtles (Ride-On Scooters) for Christmas.  They have had miles of fun with these little riding toys.  (If their parents are completely honest, they will admit that they have tried them out, too.)
If you can get your hands and feet positioned just right...

...and wiggle back and forth with determination...

...and hold your tongue just right... can even make it go uphill!

They will ride down a typical sidewalk...

...with some dedicated steering... a fast and surprisingly fun pace.

Even the uncertain...

...will sometimes take risks...

...and learn the thrill of a speedy coast.

They are even fun for racing the dog...

...together or alone...

...sometimes you win.

Even with a crash, you are so low to the ground...

...that it rarely hurts.  So, you just hop up and start all over again!

There's also tandem coasting...

...when you can roll while meditating...

...or just acting silly...

...or maybe...

...they were praying to avoid a crash!

At any rate, on a warm winter day... looks like lots of fun!

*This is not an endorsement nor was I compensated in any way for this post except by the smiles, giggles, and laughter of my granddaughters.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Perspective and Age

Isn't it funny how perspective changes as we age?

The granddaughters came for a visit on Saturday and found more ways to have fun with the simple, ordinary trappings of life...

...a hand-me-down-wagon...

...a hay ring that will be used for a cattle feeder...
...became monkey-bars for climbing...

...and an agility tool for walking...

...up and down...


...and over... rest...

...and at play...

...all for the sake of fun!

When I showed these photos to Mike, he said, "I guess I'd better buy another one for the calves and leave this one here for the girls to play on when they are here."

I don't think he would have even considered such an option when our grandchildren's parents were climbing and pretending, do you?  Perspective seems to evolve with age...