
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Word to the Wise

Our refrigerator stopped cooling this week.

The whole situation may or may not have made me a bit angry.

I may or may not have been grumpy about the fridge and circumstances surrounding it.

I may or may not have complained a bit somewhat.

I may have even complained about the way I thought Mike handled the my daughter, Bridgette...


I may have just been asking a few questions about my perception of how Mike handled the situation.

To her credit, Bridgette was a polite listener.



Then, she offered this statement:

"Mom, at a time when I was talking about my husband in such a manner, a wise woman once said, 'Well, remember, you picked him.'  So, that is all I'm going to say to you.  Remember that you picked him."

Isn't she lucky to have such a wise woman in her life?

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