
Friday, March 20, 2015

A Mother's Work Is Never Done

No matter if the mother is human, bovine, or caprine, it seems her work is never done!
A late afternoon gathering just before feeding time...

The Look just to make sure junior isn't getting into something...

Let me give these people a warning because they are coming a little too close for my comfort...

Do you two hear me?  I mean what I'm telling you now...

Are those two just playing or are they fighting?  Again...

When is Stephen coming with that grain?  These kids are getting a little rowdy...

I think I see him over there.  So, maybe he will stop here with the bucket next...

Make no mistake about just who is in charge here...

My little ones need a hearty meal.  Right now!

I'd better graze while I can because those little fellows will be hungry soon.

Somebody has to supervise these rowdy kids!

Get back over there with your mother and behave yourselves.

Take turns, you kids.  Take turns!

All in a day's work!

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