
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Good Ole Southern Cooking...Yum!

Just in case you haven't noticed, we've been enjoying some wintry weather lately.  Lots more than we usually enjoy!  Because we have been socked in with ice and snow, we have been cooking more and the cooking is more than just something that can be stirred up quickly after we get home from work.  We've probably packed on even more pounds than usual, too!

I have been utilizing some of the recipes I've pinned on Pinterest.  Tonight we are having one of those dishes for the second time.  Now, doesn't that tell how good it is?

The main dish tonight is Sauteed Chicken and I found the recipe via Yvonne at StoneGable.  The first time we enjoyed this dish, I happened to have some chicken thighs that I had gotten on special at the local grocery store and froze.  We were hankering for some chicken after eating pork and beef for a couple of days and voila!  This recipe came right to my fingertips.  The first time I served it with smashed potatoes.  Tonight we will spoon the chicken over rice and enjoy home-canned green beans and home-grown and frozen squash.  Yum!

Last night I prepared a delicious pot roast with root vegetables.  I've learned to cook the carrots and onions in the pot with the roast for a fuller flavor.  I sort of followed Pioneer Woman Ree's recipe for Perfect Pot Roast.  I heated the pot and added olive oil.  Then, I salted and peppered the roast and seared it on all sides - even the edges.  I set the roast on a plate and dropped big chunks of onions, celery, and carrots into the pan with the oil.  I cooked them just enough to get a little color on them.  Then, I lifted out about half of them.  I sprinkled the meat with some Montana Steak Seasoning that I got at The Country Pantry in Guthrie, Kentucky.  I dropped in a couple of dried cayenne peppers and poured enough warm water to barely kiss over top of the roast.  The half of the root veggies that were lifted out were placed on top just before I covered it all with the lid.  The roast was allowed to simmer on low for a couple or three hours.  Then, I washed and cut up some potatoes into large chunks.  I covered them with water and added a little salt.  Then, I spooned about a half cup of the juice from the roast into the water and cooked the potatoes.  I served all of that in one large Pyrex dish and had home-grown, battered, fried okra as a side dish.  Yum!

I haven't been the only one serving as chef during this wintry time.  Mike has cooked up good old country farm breakfasts several times.  One morning we had tenderloin and biscuits.  Another day we had sausage, eggs, biscuits, and gravy.  Yet, another day we enjoyed bacon, eggs, and biscuits.  Since we all love breakfast, sometimes we have breakfast for brunch or dinner as well as the morning meal.  We've stirred up omelets and hash browns and we had waffles and sausage one morning. Yum!

I guess the best part of it all is that much of the food is farm fresh!  Yum!

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