
Friday, March 27, 2015

Random Wonderfulness

Is it because we had such a long and cold and snowy and shut-in winter?  I have been all over the place this week.  I cannot seem to focus on much and I don't want to do anything specific.  I feel like I need to dart here and perch there and zip here and slide there.

So, this blog post will be the same way.

I look forward to hosting the Easter Feast and Egg Hunt at my house someday.  We still tend to get together with family - either Mike's or mine - on Easter.  We go to my parents' house or Mike's aunt's house for the feast.  Then, we all watch the grandchildren hunt those brightful plastic eggs and run around like it is a big race and discovery when really there are only a couple of them who are picking up the eggs.  This year there will be three little hunters ranging in age from 1 1/2 years to eight years.

When I grow up and host the Spring Extravaganza, I want to have a table that incorporates these.

I will probably have at least one seasonal piece of artwork like this watercolor printable hanging on the wall.

I will not fret over the front bedroom where I have asked folks for suggestions and bought about $100-worth of fabric samples to try out as a way to make that room be complete and finished.  Why?  Because I will not have to be Reminded that it's Worth the Trouble and will realize, "Home was never meant to be built in a day."

Then, when everybody gathers for the big Spring Extravaganza at my house and I am the grown-up hosting, the most important thing we are all going to do is have a dance party in the kitchen.

Happy Random Wonderfulness to you this week!

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