
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Job Interrupted...Again

I am behind.

I mean really behind.

More behind than I have ever been.

Usually I look forward to spring with eager anticipation...

...and an itchiness to get digging in the dirt...

...and anxious to spring-i-fy everything.

Especially the back porch.

This year...

...not so much.

This year my nemesis - allergies - reared its ugly head.

Then, I had a horrific infection move in and take over.

Then, 'The Monia' came to visit.

So, I am behind.

I mean really behind.

More behind than I have ever been.


...I went to the local nursery yesterday and came home with the back end of my truck full of flowers.

So, today has been planting day.

Sort of.

At least I have tried and have gotten about half-way planted...

I have had three separate interruptions.

Interruptions like this...

...and this...

Maybe I will be able to finish up my planting and cleaning of the back porch tomorrow!

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