
Monday, June 15, 2015


Today is my first real day of summer break.  After many years in the education business, it seemed a long time coming.  Moving into an 11-month position from the usual 10-month teaching job seemed like there would be very little difference back in July when I went in to work.  Now, I see mid-July looming ahead like a freight train with little time for freedom!  Change is good, though.

I have been doing a bit of summer-izing each afternoon and on the weekends lately.

You know, just a little bit of lightening things up.

I've covered the dark, jewel-tone, lumbar pillows that I have in the den wing-back chairs.

I've changed out the covers on the sofa pillows to be lighter and more airy.

I've swapped out the quilt on our bed in the master bedroom to lighten up the room a bit.

I've been planting some flowers and sweeping away some grunge.

I'm strongly considering changing out the drapes in the den as well.

I still love the Merlot silk drapes with soutache trim that I bought for the last house's dining room and love how they bring a deep rich color into our neutral den.

However, I'm thinking of giving them a bit of a rest and lightening up the den to give us a summer home like The Nester.

What I'm considering doing is making some smocked drop-cloth curtains like Anita at Cedar Hill Farmhouse did.  What do you think?  Should I go to that much trouble or should I just sew a rod pocket in my drop cloths and slip them on the rod and be done with it?

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