
Monday, August 10, 2015

Exciting Times!

We were so lucky to be invited to our daughter-in-law's and my Bonus Son, Stephen's home the other night for a big birthday celebration!

The food was scrumptious and the company was invigorating.

We supped on hot-off-the-grill, Bar-B-Q Chicken, fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes and squash, and lots more.

We played with the youngest grandson and enjoyed watching him assist his father at assembling the tricycle we gifted to him.

The best part, though, was when we got our party favor.

It was a sweet card which featured the birthday boy on the front:

I almost put it away after gushing over how adorable the photos turned out and how well the photographer had captured the little guy's personality.  Then, I noticed that on the back was not just a graphic logo.  It was another photo of our little fellow.

Then, I carefully looked at the message on the chalkboard he was holding...
I immediately started blubbering and tears were flowing because I am so excited.  We look forward to grandchild number eight after the first of next year!

Exciting times!

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