
Sunday, September 27, 2015

I've had a leisurely morning.  My sweet hubby slipped out of the house early this morning to take care of his livestock and took a little trip to a fast food place for bacon/egg/biscuits and gravy/biscuits and left me snoring snoozing.  So, we enjoyed our luxurious take-out breakfast before he went in and joined Terry Bradshaw and the guys to get the update on football whild I sat sipping coffee and taking virtual fall home tours.  I saw the links on a couple of my favorite home styling blogs this week for the Blogger Stylin' Home Tours but I saved the tours for when I had time to take them in, do some pinning, and thoroughly enjoy.  

Oh, the ideas I gathered!  First off, I've decided that my recent obsession with stripes has to continue because I saw lots of black and white stripes in those tours.  I love Jennifer's striped pots and noticed she also has a striped rug.  Aniko showed off a striped throw.  Shannon has striped pillows and books and I picked up on another thing that I am feeling a yearning for - cheetah print pillow covers.  Jenna convinced me that my idea of going to the dollar store to get some pumpkins for painting, fabric covering, etc. might need to become a reality and take place sooner rather than later.  

I realized that I have grown to appreciate the color green a bit more since I've married a man who has a house with a green roof and shutters and a green barn.  So, Emily at Eleven Gables inspired me with the color of the door to her mud room.  I also swooned over her transferware.  

I fell in love with Mallory's outdoor space decorating.  Fell.  In.  Love.  The fact that my love of sunflowers is shared was obvious in several of the tours but no more beautiful than the bundle showcased by Lucy.  

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