
Monday, February 15, 2016

Not Quite Like I Remember...

My mother has made a sweet treat called Chess Cake for as long as I can remember.  She included the recipe in a notebook of collected recipes that she has shared with all us women in the family.  So, when we planned a recent party for my niece, Megan, these sweet treats became a part of the menu.

Bryan volunteered to grill up some pulled pork bar-b-que.  Jessica volunteered to stir up some slaw.  I picked up some chips, corn-light-bread, and baked some beans.  Bridgette suggested a simple dessert of brownie bites, and she and Jessica volunteered to bake them.  I decided to add a bit of variety to the dessert table for those crazy people nutty folks family members who might not want chocolate and dug into the recipe archive for Mama's Chess Cake recipe.  I checked the pantry and gathered my ingredients.  Then, I read the recipe through to make certain this was what I remembered from days gone by.

That's when I noticed the last instruction on the recipe Mama had provided.  It said:

Cut and roll in powdered sugar while still hot.

I NEVER recalled these sweet treats including that step.

I hesitated.

I pondered.

Then, I called Mama to make certain I had the correct recipe in front of me.  After all, I was serving this to guests and I didn't want to make a mistake about a delicious dessert.

She assured me that the recipe was indeed the correct one and the treats would turn out just as I recalled from days gone by.

Then, I mentioned that I NEVER remember having these with the powdered sugar step.

Her response - and I quote:

Well, I might have done that the first time I made them but I didn't think all that was necessary after that.

I informed Mama that I felt really deprived.

I informed her that I felt cheated.

I informed her that I felt misled.

She just giggled and suggested that I sprinkle them with some powdered sugar and it would be fine.
If you want to give them a try, you can find the recipe HERE.

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