
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Big Like Me!

We so often see younger folks emulating what they see of those who are more mature and experienced.  Sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes it is, well, not so good.  So, it warms my heart when I see the grands guiding and including the younger siblings and cousins.  Here is one such example.

Recently, Bridgette's two school-aged children earned the reward of having a friend sleep-over.  So, on Friday, after school, in troop the girls and their friends.  Yet, little Luci, who is not yet two, was not left out and ignored.
Luci and the big girls playing a fun game of Twister.

I'm sure she thinks she is just as big and worldly as they are and by letting her play and have fun, they are showing a kindness that isn't always shared between siblings.

Oh, don't think this is always the case, I know for a fact that there are times when bedroom doors are closed or when those long legs run off and leave her littls toddler ones, but it is sweet when they do pause and share.

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