
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Bittersweet Easter Gathering

Easter will forever have a different connotation for me now.

He is risen! Certainly takes on a richer meaning.

We gathered as a family two times on Easter Sunday.  The first time was to say goodbye to Daddy as his body gave up the fight with Pulmonary Fibrosis during the wee hours of the morning.  Mom called us and my sister, brother-in-law, Daddy's two sisters and their spouses, close family friends, Mike, and I gathered to support her.  Then, my sister's family and my family gathered at lunchtime to share a delicious meal and have a traditional egg hunt for the little folks.  We each contributed side dishes and Mom's lifelong friends, Miss Mamie and Mr. Brent Sanders had delivered a ham for us to enjoy just a couple of days before.

Easter basket treasures had to be checked out and a nibble or two of treats ensued even though a bountiful feast was being assembled on the kitchen counter.
Nobody wants to miss a trick when treat bags are handed round!
Not even the trendiest most stylish diva can resist a treat bag with chocolate bunnies or eggs!
After the meal, the grown-ups hid the plastic eggs full of treats, treasures, and prizes.  Then, the littles lined up and waited in anxious anticipation to hear the word go! (I love that hovering in the background are their parents waiting just as eagerly for the start.)
And then they're off! Racing and dashing in all directions to snatch up the pastel treasures.
The quicker you move...the more you get!
Of course, sometimes a little one needs a bit of coaching.
Well, at least until she gets the hang of it.
And then, all she really needs is a helping hand.
Just somebody along to hold the basket whilst she does the hunting and gathering.
Somebody to hold onto the bounty and prevent the treasures from spilling out.
And then she can hop on down the path to the next treasure!
Meanwhile, this fellow is working his way up the ladder...
...or steps as the case may be...
...toward success and a full basket.
Now, how does one get such a full basket so swiftly, you might ask...
...You look really closely in order to find the treasures...
...and sometimes you scoop them up by the handfull...
...before you start scouting around for some more!
Meanwhile, the two more experienced hunters have moved on to higher ground.
I do mean that literally, too.
You see, they, too, were coached to look for the ones that were too high for the youngest hunters.
So, the more experienced you are, the more you wait...
...and wait...
...before you dash in and pick up the one that is overlooked!
You pick them up coming and going!
Till they are all discovered and claimed.
...last one.
And then, you sit down to see what is inside each one and swallow a sweet treat or two, or three, or more!

Easter is for celebrating life and that is just what we did in our family as we gathered together celebrating twice!

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