
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Those Questions

Saturday was an outdoor work day at Mom's.  She has cut back the square footage of flower beds there in the past few years - knee replacement and back surgery required that she do so.  Then, she became a full-time care-giver for Daddy.  So, the children pitched in and did some weeding and prepping for the growing season.
After the weeds were removed, there were a few plants that needed planting - a couple of lilies, a miniature rose, a Gerbera daisy are what I recall.  Bridgette and Lillie took on the planting chore.  I guess the Little Farmer felt the need to put her fingers in the dirt - it must be a family trait!
Somebody's curiosity got the better of him and he had to saunter over and check things out.
He was full of questions and peppered Bridgette and Lillie with plenty of them.  Of course, getting closer is also important so that one can take in every nuance of what is going on.
I thought it was heartwarming to watch the experience and the learning taking place.  I distinctly remember being in Bridgette's place twenty or so years ago and teaching and guiding her to know what to do and encouraging her to plant and nurture plants.
It also seems only a while ago that I was the little fellow learning from my mother and grandmother about planting flowers and nurturing plants.
I love the stance and the rapt attention of Lillie and Harris exhibited in this situation.  Isn't it wonderful how they seem to be soaking it all up and learning all about it?
Of course, the most important question that needed to be answered was, "Why doesn't this bird bath have water in it?"

Bridgette said, "Because I was trying to prevent little hands from playing in it and getting themselves wet."

Then, came the universal question of importance that was repeated no less than ten times during this short planting session, "Why?"

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