
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Awards Night

Recently, our eldest grandson was part of his Mother's Day Out Awards program.  Well, I think all of the little folks who attend were a part - some more than others!
This is the cool dude on his way to the big event.
He did a little cheesing for the camera right after we all arrived.
He also had to show off the bruise and knot on his head - earned when he flipped over the handlebars of his bicycle onto pavement during play time a couple of days before!
It looked painful but he hadn't complained.  I guess he is a roughneck!
They sang a little song and Harris did a little singing and even kenw the hand motions.
He made sure we were watching a time or two.
He seemed best at the part where the mama on the bus was shh, shh, shhing.  Maybe he is most familiar with that part!
Each little person was recognized for his or her own special gift and went up to get the certificate from Mrs. Rachel, the teacher.
He gave her a high-five...
...and turned to head on down the steps to sit with the rest of his mates.
His award was for Best Attitude.  Of course, this grandmother thinks it was spot-on as a recognition even though his mom and dad kind of rolled their eyes.
It seemed especially spot-on when he had to be bribed to take a photo with his teacher before we left for home!

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