
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Helping out Google

Did you know that when you offer information to Google, they actually make changes?

My Daddy used to complain and complain that people's GPS was inaccurate and he wished they would change it.

You see, the information on Google Maps was incorrect and my parents' private driveway was labeled as Old Arno Road.  So, when folks would try to visit somebody who actually lived on that road, they would enter the information into their GPS system and be navigated to my parents' driveway - and wind up lost.  It would mean that folks would drive up their driveway and circle round in front of the old milk barn and simply be lost.  It irritated my Daddy to no end.

Earlier this summer I was putting together a professional development workshop for a group of teachers and used Google My Maps as one of the tools for encouraging student writing.  I created a map of my 'childhood neighborhood' complete with topics for narrative writing.

I noticed the incorrect labeling of my parents' driveway.  I also noticed that there was a link to Add or fix information on Google Maps.  So, I submitted information indicating that there should be a change.  I didn't offer that the name change should be the name of my parents' farm, I just indicated that instead of a public road, that was a private driveway and they chose the name all on their own!

I hate that I didn't do this before my Daddy died.  It would have made him happy and proud to know that we had made an impact on the world of maps!
The funny thing is, a couple of weeks ago or so, my daughter sent me a message with a picture of the family farm showing the driveway labeled as Four Bees Farm Road and wondered if I knew about it!

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