
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

An Estate Auction

I just realized that I haven't shared the photos from Daddy's Estate Auction.  There were lots of jobs done behind the scenes far before auction time.
Above picture: Fudge and chess pie tarts baked by Mama in preparation for concessions at the auction.

Things like getting fields bush-hogged, repairing fences, removing fencing, filling holes, baking pies and tarts, and such had to be done.  We spent days cleaning out and sorting.  Then, the day before we did some major prepping.
This guy used a pressure washer to clean up all the large implements and farm equipment.
One-by-one we drove or pulled each piece to the rock and concrete area outside the calf barn and Bob washed it down.
There were sheds to be swept and tables and trailers to be set up in preparation for concessions and sales recording and receipts.
 There were trash barrels that had to be prepped and stationed.

We also had to line up items to get them ready for the progression of the auction.
Little by little the line grew as more items were added.

Eventually, there was a long row stretching across the field in front of the tool shed and milk barn.
The following morning we added the wagons of smalls that we had sorted through previously.
The food was brought from the house to the newly-cleaned tool shed...
...and there was a little time for the grands to check out everything one last time.

Other folks were checking things out as well.
The line-up became the focus for the next several hours.
The folks started arriving and checking things out.

We gathered as a family and welcomed the folks and the auctioneer began his rhythmic call.

One-by-one items and buckets and boxes of items were held up and offered for sale.

The sun beamed down and the day was ultra-hot.  Folks sought refuge in the shade at the grave yard, in the tool shed where there were fans, and at the concession stand.

To help keep folks cool and hydrated, we had tubs of ice and bottled water set out at different locations.

And as the day wore on, Mike and Dwayne turned the ATV into a water delivery truck.
As things were claimed and folks began to gather up their purchases, we continued to make certain that everyone had plenty of water and to gather up trash.

The trucks started to roll away but the clouds started to roll in.
 A quick check of the radar told us that rain was on its way!

 Just as we were almost finished loading things up and wrapping up the day, the heavens opened up and down came the rain!
We took shelter and had a snack and a bit of fellowship.


 At the end of the day we gathered together and shared stories of experiences each of us had throughout the day.  There were special ways that Daddy was remembered people shared with us.  There were tales told to us about interactions with him.  

We recalled different folks and what items they took home.  I enjoyed a HUGE sandwich and a few other members of the family did as well.  Everything was put away into its storage place and we went our separate ways.

It was a long, tiring, emotional experience.  The crowd was large and they seemed to appreciate and treasure the things Daddy had accumulated through his life's work.  We hope that those items found homes where they are used and appreciated as much as Daddy did when they were his.

We hope that those items make people's days enriched by having them.  There was lots of talk, lots of laughter, and lots of remembrance done that day.  Daddy would have loved it and been really proud that folks found something of substance and use to take home and continue the legacy he started.

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