
Monday, September 19, 2016

Striped Pots

Back in July I was craving a good vine-ripened tomato and for the first time in at least ten or so years we had no tomato plants.  So, I stopped off at the local greenhouse and farm stand and picked out a few.  As I was checking out, I noticed the sign that said if I spent at least $20, I could also pick out some free flowers.  So, guess how much I spent?  Yep!  And I got four free geraniums!
Above is a photo fof them fresh out of the truck and before I even took time to deadhead them.  They are the most beautiful shade of deep red and I haven't had red geraniums in a while.  I knew exactly where I wanted to put them and how I wanted to enjoy them for the remainder of the summer.  Here is my inspiration:
I had seen this DIY tutorial for the simple striped pots and filed it away.  Now, I didn't have time nor the extra money to go out and get the cute square planters.  So, I just made-do with what I had on hand.
I had these simple black plastic pots that some shrub or mum or something had come in and I just wrapped blue painter's tape around it and gave it a quick spray with some inexpensive white paint.  I wasn't going for perfection or even being nit-picking about everything turning out perfectly because I wanted it done in a hurry.
There was a volunteer petunia in this smaller pot and I just wrapped it with a smaller width of masking tape and painted it, too.  (And you can tell I didn't clean off the table before I got a photo!)
I had three large pots and two smaller ones and I gave a quick tape and spray to all of them.
Then, I plopped my free geraniums into them and set them on the back porch.
My fourth geranium went into the big black pot I have in the yard-sale-bargain wire plant stand I keep on the back porch.
They were beautiful and still are!  Sometimes a cheap and free combination is just right and adds just enough perkiness and spunk to bring a smile to my face and this is exactly one of those times!
That was about the extent of my summer season decorating and it didn't happen till late in July.  Maybe I will get to fall fluffing before Thanksgiving!

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