
Sunday, April 30, 2017

What I did during spring break

It has been almost a month since I had time off for spring break but I thought I'd share a couple of the things I did with my time off.  For most of one afternoon I used Mike's ATV and tried to help him out a bit.

He had plowed up a new area back behind one of our barns and there were several pretty good sized rocks which were unearthed.  So, I pulled the ATV up there and loaded the rocks.  Then, I hauled them down to the driveway where there is a gigantor pothole created by a wet weather spring that drains down there.  They went into the hole and inspired me to pick up more rocks to help fill in the hole.  So, I made three or four trips up into one of the lots behind the barn where some dozier work had been done and filled the bed of the ATV, hauled the rocks down, and dumped them into the pothole.  

At the end of the day I realized that there were going to be several more days working on this project.  Whew!  My aching back and arms!

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