
Friday, June 30, 2017

Afternoon Rambling (and a translation)

We've had a bit of mild weather round here of late.  It has proven delightful for some afternoon rambling.

Let me translate that for you:

The weather has been unseasonably cooler and less humid.  So, we have been doing some afternoon gardening.  When we are both pooped and don't feel like we can tromp through the soil or bend over to pull one more weed, we do some afternoon rambling in the ATV.

One afternoon during our rambling time, we drove up the hill to visit a couple of the grandchildren.  Well, we also visited with their parents, but the grands were really our primary interest.  (Sorry, parents!)

Even though I only had my phone camera, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to snap a few photos of these cute little ginger-heads.

Let me translate that for you:

Both boys wanted to get up onto the ATV with Mike and I got such a chuckle at Mike trying to lift the littlest youngest grandson.  I rushed to try to capture Mike's struggles.
I think it was at about mid-lift that grandpa, Bay, realized he may need a little more lead in his pencil to hoist an eager Easton up onto his lap!

Meanwhile, Levi climbed in and settled onto the seat all on his own.  Being more mature and disciplined due to his advanced age, he was content to simply sit calmly and smile for the camera.
Younger brother, on the other hand, was ready to take charge and drive!
Mike settled Easton on the seat beside him so I could get a shot of the three of them together.  This pose didn't last for long, though!
Oh, no!  Mr. Busy could not sit still!
He had to check out all the knobs and levers and try to turn the key to operate the ATV.

My favorite age for littles is newborn till they start to crawl.

Let me translate that for you:
I just love the sweet snuggling and how they stay where you put them. 

This stage is also a fun one, though.  I love watching them explore and learn and investigate and show us the world.

While Mike and I don't have near the energy displayed in our afternoon ramblings as these two little fellows do, we do have enough energy to simply sit and watch them do their own rambling.

Let me translate that for you:

Life is good when you get to visit with any of the grands!

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